1.Liu, Yuchen. (2023a). Mapping the AD development patterns between China and Europe: China, Spain and the UK in focus. Journal of Chinese Film Studies, 3(2), 241-262.
2.Liu, Yuchen. (2023b). Audio description translation from Spanish into Chinese as an alternative to creating audio description: A reception study. Parallèles, 35(2).
3.Liu, Yuchen. (2023c). Journey to the East. What is happening in the Chinese AD world? An interview-based study. Hermeneus, 25, 169-194.
4.Liu, Yuchen, Casas-Tost, Helena & Rovira-Esteva, Sara. (2023). AD in China at the crossroads. A set of guidelines for localising AD scripts from Spanish into Chinese. Perspectives.
5.Liu, Yuchen, Casas-Tost, Helena & Rovira-Esteva, Sara. (2022). Made in China versus Made in Spain. A corpus-based study comparing AD in Chinese and Spanish. JosTrans—The Journal of Specialised Translation, 38, 180-207.
6.Liu, Yuchen & Tor-Carroggio, Irene. (2022a). Audio description translation: A pilot study in Chinese/Spanish. In C. Taylor & E. Perego (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Audio Description (pp.460–475). London/New York: Routledge.
7.Liu, Yuchen & Tor-Carroggio, Irene. (2022b). Comer, beber, amar…y comparar. Análisis contrastivo de la audiodescripción en chino y español: un estudio de caso [Eat Drink Man Woman…and compare. Contrastive analysis of audio description in Chinese and Spanish: A case study]. Onomázein, 57, 84-101.
8.肖维青,刘禹辰. 视听翻译新热点: 中国无障碍电影研究——一项焦点小组访谈的调查[J].翻译研究, 2023(01): 182-195.
1.参与西班牙国家项目Researching Audio Description: Translation, Delivery and New Scenarios (RAD). (PGC2018-096566-B-I00) (2019-2023),项目负责人:Carmen Mangiron, Anna Matamala
1.2019年7月硕士论文Análisis contrastivo de la audiodescripción en chino y español: estudio de caso de Comer, beber, amar de Ang Lee [Contrastive Analysis of Chinese and Spanish Audio Description: Case Study of Ang Lee’s Eat Drink Man Woman]获得“Matrícula de Honor”(The Honours)荣誉。
2.2021年4月获得由加泰罗尼亚政府和欧洲社会基金会共同资助的 FI 博士全额奖学金。
3.2024年6月博士论文The Translation of Audio Description Scripts from Spanish into Chinese: A Reception Study获得Cum Laude荣誉,并获得“International PhD”称号。