石江山:Translation and Authorial Intent in the Age of AI




SISU Institute of Translation Studies, Lecture Series



【时间】19:00 - 20:30

【地点】腾讯会议号: 736 524 349,密码:1374


In 2023, the emergence of AI breakthroughs, particularly large language models, has prompted authors and translators to contemplate the extent to which the creative process can be delegated, potentially diminishing human agency in literary production and translation. This talk explores the impact of divergent Chinese and American approaches to literary/translative production and consumption, as revealed through archival research, on the concepts of authorship and intentionality. By examining these differences, we can gain valuable insights into how AI is expected to influence the humanities and cultural production in the coming years.


石江山  美国诗人、学者、编辑、译者、发明家,致力于英文与中文之间的交集与沟通。俄克拉荷马大学英文系教授、中美关系研究所教授,建立中国文学翻译档案馆并担任馆长,创办《今日中国文学》并担任常务副主编,中美诗学对话美国创始人之一。


杨祎辰  上海外国语大学英语学院讲师,硕士生导师。研究方向:戏剧翻译、翻译史、翻译教学,曾在《外国语》、Perspectives: Studies in Translation Theory and Practice、Journal of Adaptation in Film & Performance等国内外翻译学、戏剧研究核心期刊发表论文。
